This program uses a soft pull of credit to determine your offer and won't affect your credit score. Offers are not a guarantee to lend. If you accept this offer, it is subject to a hard credit pull. All loans are subject to Sound Credit Union lending policies. Offers, rates, and terms are subject to change. This offer is for single credit only is not a joint offer of credit. Must be 18 years of age to qualify for a loan and meet income and other requirements. For this offer, we use KNOCK KNOCK technology from Rate Reset a trusted business partner.
Non-members may use this program to be presented with an offer. If you choose to take advantage of the offer presented, you must become a member of Sound Credit Union to participate. Anyone who lives or works in Washington State may join. Membership requires a savings account with no minimum balance requirements. When opening an account, you may need to provide unexpired photo ID and proof of residency.
Non-members may use this program to be presented with an offer. If you choose to take advantage of the offer presented, you must become a member of Sound Credit Union to participate. Anyone who lives or works in Washington State may join. Membership requires a savings account with no minimum balance requirements. When opening an account, you may need to provide unexpired photo ID and proof of residency.